Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giant Balloon Show at Suntec City (Boxing Day)

Great reaction from the close-up magic!

Spongebob trying to copy Captain Dazzle's actions!

Signed Playing Card appears inside my zipped wallet!

Child volunteer on stage does the flower-stick juggling!

Halfway into the giant balloon!

Captain Dazzle does it again! The crowd goes wild!

Some pics we took at Suntec City "Happy Kids" - Outside Toys 'r' us. To warm up the crowd, I did some interactive close-up magic - which garnered a lot of attention.

The Comedy Juggling and Giant Balloon Act is one of the most expensive acts that I perform - it's actually life-threatening if not performed correctly.

As I always say during the show to the children (and to the adults!), I am a trained professional so please DO NOT try any of the stunts at home. It's extremely dangerous.

You can view more information on the Giant Balloon Show at my page: